... you’re such a wonderful writer, I started reading "The Bride" and "Midnight Soirée and love your writing, Agatha Christie would hug you and embrace Achille Perrot and John Harold Jeff, you are amazing!"
- Jon from Hawaii February 2021-
I'm exactly on page 100 "Midnight Soirée ... I like it so far, and I'm especially awed by your style and language skills. It's so wonderfully phrased, I really like it.
- Chris from England December 2021 -
The book "Midnight Soirée" truly was a wonderful read. So intelligently written. You are a talented writer and hope more get to read your work.
- Kelly from USA December 2021 -
"Trudy" that preview is very intriguing. I would like to read the book when it’s finished.
- Greg from England December 2021 -